Candelilla ceraby Naturallythinking Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

SDS for Candelilla cera

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) dated 29/03/2025

Batch Number: FRAMECPSR

Section 1: Identification of Product and Supplier

Product Name: Candelilla cera
Product Number: 5057653006076
Brand: Naturallythinking
UK: Naturallythinking, Unit 2 Mill Lane Trading Estate, Mill Lane, Croydon, CR0 4AA
EU: NTEU Ltd (HE 426545), Nikis 1, Anthoupoli, 2350, Nicosia, Cyprus
Contact Telephone: 020 38563588
Contact Email:

Section 2: Hazards IDENTIFICATION

Not classified as hazardous under UK, CPL or CHIP regulations. Risk of skin burns caused by hot molten wax. 

Section 3: Composition and information on Ingredients

Inci: Candelilla cera
Cas: 8006-44-8
Einecs: 232-347-0

Nature of Product: Wax

Naturally occuring Composition

Hydrocarbons 50%
Esters 28%
Neutral Resins
Acids 7%
Others 3%

Hazardous Components: None

Active Ingredient: >25%, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil: <75%

Section 4: First aid measures

Eye Contact:

Flush immediately with water and obtain medical attention if symptoms persist.

Skin Contact:

Wash affected area with plenty of soap & water. If skin is damaged or irritation develops seek medical advice. Do not attempt to remove material adhering to skin.


Remove to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration and Seek urgent medical attention.


Not expected to occur

Doctors Advice:

Treat according to symptoms present. Burns from molten material can be treated As normal thermal burns. 

Section 5: Fire - Fighting measures

Flash Point: >200ºC

Flash Point method: Open Cup (ASTM D-92)

Autoignition Temperature: Not known

Upper Flame Limit (volume % in air): Not known

Lower Flame Limit (volume % in air): Not known

Extinguishing Media:

Carbon Dioxide, dry chemical or fine water spray. Avoid water stream on molten Burning material because it may scatter and spread the fire. Unusual fire & explosion hazards: Melts in proximity to fires causing slippery floors and stairs. Dense smoke may be generated while burning.

Special Firefighting precautions:

Wear self-contained breathing apparatus approved by NIOSH. Watch footing on floor and stairs because of possible melting and spreading of material. Use water spray to keep containers cool.

Section 6: Accidental release measures


Scrape up and clean area with cold water and detergent. Prevent from entering drains and sewers as it will solidify and cause blockages. Note that spillages constitute a slipping hazard. Always wear recommended personal protective equipment. Eliminate source of Ignition or keep away from heat or flame

Section 7: Handling and Storage


Take care when handling hot wax. Always wear recommended personal protective equipment. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with vapour and breathing fumes from heating operation.


Store in paperboard boxes, cartons and bags under cool, dry conditions. Avoid excessive heat. Do not store near strong oxidizing agents.

Shelf Life:

Up to 5 years if stored as advised. 

Section 8: Exposure controls and personal protection


Waxes must not be heated over 110ºC as fumes will occur which may cause irritation. Adequate ventilation should be provided, during heating processes, for storage and handling general ventilation is adequate. Insulated gloves with long sleeves should be worn when handling molten material, as well as safety glasses or chemical goggles. NIOSH approved dust respirator with powdered grades if dusty conditions prevail. Heat protective clothing is needed for handling hot material. 

Section 9: Physical data and chemical properties

Physical State: Hard Wax

Color: Yellow to brown

Odor: Characteristic odor

pH: N/A

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): N/A

Vapor Density (AIR = 1): N/A

Boiling Point: > 240˚ C

Melting Point: 67-73˚ C

Specific Gravity (H2O = 1): 0.982-0.993

Section 10: Stability & Reactivity


Stable under normal conditions of use


Non reactive. Avoid strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous decomposition products:

Depending on conditions of fire, CO, CO2 and combustible gases may be formed.

Hazardous Polymerisation:

Will not occur

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Powder may irritate respiratory tract, eyes and skin. May cause discomfort if swallowed. 

Section 12: Ecological information


No data available 

There are no known ecological problems associated with this product. 

Section 13: Disposal considerations

Dispose of according to local and national regulations. 

Section 14: Transport information

Not considered dangerous for transportation. 

Section 15: Regulatory information

Information on Label:

S22 Do not breathe dust.

S51 Use only in well ventilated areas

National Regulations:

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1999-these regulations apply. CHIP 3 Regulations 2002-this product is not on the ASL (Approved Supply List) and is not required to be labelled according to the ACLG (Approved Classification and Labelling Guide).

Other Regulations:

Water Hazard classification=NWG, (self assessment) no hazard to waters. Product is insoluble in water.

Section 16: Other information


Users should be informed of the potential presence of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica as well as their potential hazards. (IARC Monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risks of chemicals to humans, Silica, silicates dust and organic fibres, 1997.. and SCOEL SUM Doc 94-final, June 2003 – risk of silicosis) Appropriate training in the proper use and handling of this material should be provided as required under applicable regulations. The information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. No liability can be accepted arising out of the use, application or processing of this product. It is the Users responsibility to determine safe conditions for the use of this material.

GMO Declaration

We declare that at present all our regisered and commercially available ingredients, extracts, oils, plants and skincare products are derived by traditional plant breeding methods. We do not have any ingredient, extract, oil or skincare product from genetically modified material

To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in the sheet is correct. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any consequences from its use.

Animal Testing Declaration

UK: As set out under the conditions in Schedule 34 - Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and related amendments of The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 neither the cosmetic nor its component product has been tested on animal purposes

EU:As set out in under the conditions in 1223/2009. Art. 15 Nar. Parliament and the Council of the EU 952/2013 neither the cosmetic nor its component product has been tested on animal purposes


We believe there is already a “safe” and known group of product ingredients used in the cosmetics industry which leave enough scope to be creative and innovative in product formulation without the need for anymore animal testing on new experimental ingredients.

Our suppliers each also agree to not to carry out animal testing on the products and ingredients we purchase. We have a self-imposed cut-off date of 2006 (this was the date our cosmetic formulations came into being) although in reality our suppliers normally have animal testing dates far in excess of this or have never tested at all.

We do not conduct any form of animal testing.

We do not commission any form of animal testing from a third party.

We operate a fixed cut-off date for animal testing and ingedients, which means we will not use any ingredient that has been tested or retested on animals for cosmetics purposes since January 1, 2006

If we find that a company is involved in animal testing in anyway that purchases from us, then we will cease supply immediately. It is a term and condition that by purchasing from Naturallythinking you will not involve yourself or your company in any form of Animal Testing, any violation of this will be dealt with as per any violation of our terms and condtions