Peppermint Scrub Barby Naturallythinking Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

SDS for Peppermint Scrub Bar

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) dated 29/03/2025

Section 1: Identification of Product and Supplier

Product Name: Peppermint Scrub Bar
Product Number: 5060330635483
Brand: Naturallythinking
UK: Naturallythinking, Unit 2 Mill Lane Trading Estate, Mill Lane, Croydon, CR0 4AA
EU: NTEU Ltd (HE 426545), Nikis 1, Anthoupoli, 2350, Nicosia, Cyprus
Contact Telephone: 020 38563588
Contact Email:

Section 2: Hazards IDENTIFICATION

These products when used as instructed are safe and pose no short or long term health hazards.

Incorrect or abnormal use i.e.: ingestion may require medical attention.


May cause eye irritation.


Not irritant under normal conditions.


Not applicable.


May cause upset stomach.

Section 3: Composition and information on Ingredients

Inci: 1

Compositional Banding:

Trade Name

Section 4: First aid measures

EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes thoroughly with potable water for 15 minutes. Do not rub eyes.

SKIN CONTACT: Rinse off with water.

INHALATION: Unlikely to inhalant any harmful vapour from this product.

INGESTION: Wash mouth by water, don’t induce vomiting. Seek medical advice immediately.

Section 5: Fire - Fighting measures

Flash Point N/E

Recommended extinguishing media: Use CO2 , dry powder or foam type extinguishers.

Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus & protective clothing.

Unusual Fire Explosion Hazards: not known

Hazardous Products Formed by Fire: Avoid vapour inhalation.

Section 6: Accidental release measures

No special requirements. Rinse up with detergent solution. Mop up or wipe up with towel.

It may cause slippery surfaces – exercise caution.

These products when used as instructed are safe and pose no short or long term health hazards.

Incorrect or abnormal use i.e.: ingestion may require medical attention.


May cause eye irritation.


Not irritant under normal conditions.


Not applicable.


May cause upset stomach.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Handling: No special handlings techniques required.

Storage: Keep out of reach of children. Store at cool dry place, keep from extreme heat, freezing and sunlight.

Section 8: Exposure controls and personal protection

No special personal protect equipment required.

Section 9: Physical data and chemical properties

Reactivity It presents no significant reactivity hazard by iteself or with contact with water. Avoid strong acid, alkali or oxidising agents.

Decomposition Liable to cause smoke and acrid fumes during combustion. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other non-identified organic compounds may be formed

Flash Point: >200c

Section 10: Stability & Reactivity

The product is stable non-reactive. Avoid strong oxidising agents.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

No acute or chronic toxic effects when used as directed.

No toxicological data available

Section 12: Ecological information

No ecological hazards are associated with this product. It is biodegradable.

Section 13: Disposal considerations

Dispose of according to local and ndational regulations.

Section 14: Transport information

Non Hazardous / Non-flammable - No shipping restrictions

Section 15: Regulatory information

The ingredients are legally permitted as per EU Directive 88/379/EEC, 76/768/EEC and its amendments. According to Regulation EC N° 1223/2229 of the European Parliament and the Council of 32 November 2229 on cosmetic products (Official Journal L 342, 22 December 2229, pp. 59-229) the product is safe for human health when used under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.

Section 16: Other information

Declaration of Allergens

The customer should satisfy themselves that the product is suitable for the intended purpose, and that a suitable and sufficient assessment of any risks created by any activity using this product is undertaken before use.

The information above is based upon our current state of knowledge about the product at the time of publication. The data is given in good faith and is designed only as guidance to users of possible risks. This safety sheet cannot cover all possible situations which the user may experience during processing. We do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this product.

This MSDS does not constitute a legal document, nor does it substitute the requirement for a CPSR under EU Regulations for any white labelling or modification to this product, and / or where the product is not subsequently sold under the Naturallythinking brand name in the original packaging provided.

GMO Declaration

We declare that at present all our regisered and commercially available ingredients, extracts, oils, plants and skincare products are derived by traditional plant breeding methods. We do not have any ingredient, extract, oil or skincare product from genetically modified material

To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in the sheet is correct. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any consequences from its use.

Animal Testing Declaration

UK: As set out under the conditions in Schedule 34 - Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and related amendments of The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 neither the cosmetic nor its component product has been tested on animal purposes

EU:As set out in under the conditions in 1223/2009. Art. 15 Nar. Parliament and the Council of the EU 952/2013 neither the cosmetic nor its component product has been tested on animal purposes


We believe there is already a “safe” and known group of product ingredients used in the cosmetics industry which leave enough scope to be creative and innovative in product formulation without the need for anymore animal testing on new experimental ingredients.

Our suppliers each also agree to not to carry out animal testing on the products and ingredients we purchase. We have a self-imposed cut-off date of 2006 (this was the date our cosmetic formulations came into being) although in reality our suppliers normally have animal testing dates far in excess of this or have never tested at all.

We do not conduct any form of animal testing.

We do not commission any form of animal testing from a third party.

We operate a fixed cut-off date for animal testing and ingedients, which means we will not use any ingredient that has been tested or retested on animals for cosmetics purposes since January 1, 2006

If we find that a company is involved in animal testing in anyway that purchases from us, then we will cease supply immediately. It is a term and condition that by purchasing from Naturallythinking you will not involve yourself or your company in any form of Animal Testing, any violation of this will be dealt with as per any violation of our terms and condtions

Relevant Cosmetic Legislation

This product is classed as a cosmetic product. This product is subject to governance in the regions it is sold.

UK: Schedule 34 - Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and related amendments of The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019

The product complies with the Schedule 34 - Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and related amendments of The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and is safe for human health

EU: 1223/2009. Art. 15 Nar. Parliament and the Council of the EU 952/2013

The product complies with the EC Regulation No. 1223/2009 and is safe for human health


Test for Efficacy of Antimicrobial Preservation

Conducted by Naturallythinking Labs, The Tramsheds, Coomber Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 4TQ
Report Date: 01/02/2013 | Reference: 5060330635483 - Peppermint Scrub Bar

What the test means

The Test for Efficacy of Antimicrobial Preservation demonstrates the effectiveness of a substance when used as a preservative within a cosmetic formula to stop the growth of such pathogenic organisms as Aspergillus brasiliensis, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Customer: Naturallythinking

Sample Description: Peppermint Scrub Bar

Test Performed: Preservative Efficacy Test - Efficacy of Antimicrobal Preservation (BS EN ISO 11930:2012)

Reference: ISO11930

Sample preparation:

Aspergillus brasiliensis, Candida albicans, E-Coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus are used to challenge the specimen for twenty-eight (28) days. Microorganism survival is monitored after seven (7), fourteen (14) and twenty-eight (28) days.

Certificate of Performance:


ATCC Number

A. brasiliensis


C. albicans




P. aeruginosa


S. aureus



Colony Forming Units per gram





 Initial TVC


< 10

< 10

Colony Forming Units /g


P. aeruginosa

S. aureus

A. brasiliensis

C. albicans


0 control

2.3 x 106

3.8 x 106

1.8 x 105

1.6 x 106

3.1 x 106

7 days

< 10

< 10


< 10

< 10

14 days

< 10

< 10

< 10

< 10

< 10

28 days

< 10

< 10

< 10

< 10

< 10

Conclusion ( PASSED):

The results apply only to the sample(s) tested. When assessed against the ISO11930:2012 (Cosmetics - Microbiology - Evaluation of the antimicrobal protection of a cosmetic products) criteria A, This sample Passes.

Maria Luz Mayordomo
MPharm Universidad San Pablo CEU - Madrid, Spain, Nutrition and Food Science BSC, Guildford, UK
The Tramsheds, Coomber Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 4TQ
Tel: 020 8689 6489